Moodle ..... Schnoodle!
I have always been interested in integrating teaching and multimedia. I saw an email about e-learning module and decided to see what it has on offer. Managed to get the hang of it pretty fast, even though the facilitator thought that being a Medic, things can get too complicated for me .....
The interesting part was about converting the slides into pdf and uploading those as lecture slides online. I have plenty of lectures in my laptop, and the main worry is, should I lose it I will to build new ones from scratch. Integrating it into my teaching will be a challenge though as I often times do not have control on the syllabus. However, since I have been running the revision course for the Masters Students for the last 5 years, I night start there. I might actually collect and collate the lectures and tutorials from my colleague and then publish them online as a reference for the participating students.
Another avenues that might have some prospect is publishing our weekly CME at department into the department website. At least in the future, should we need to refer concerning a particular subject, we have somewhere to go to
p/s: The picture above was taken on our last trip to Cherating. We stayed at a place called Eastern Pavillion. This is just outside our chalet there.