Busy Couple of Weeks

The last couple of weeks had been busy for the household. It started off with a kenduri at my Mum’s place for my late Father. He is now gone for two years. Alfatihah.

Then came my stay in Ipoh for MSH 2019, where Anita and the boys later joined my before all of us spent a few days in Penang. We had another family gathering while there. With the GFX on tow, I managed close to 500 snaps around town, including the family trip up Penang Hill. 

It was straight to work with calls as soon as I reached back home and now, after a couple of days of recovery, I had time to sort out the photos as well as get other affairs in order. 

Unfortunately, things got a bit more complicated with my father-in-law needed admission in hospital. Added to that, Idlan got an exam coming up as soon as school opens after Easter break. All in all, things had been hectic and only now I managed to get some resemblance of order in place ...

Would be doing plenty of writing in the coming few days for sure ...