Moving to the New Clinic

After a couple of years in the planning, I finally get the move to a dedicated clinic area at the hospital - where all the Oncology Services at SJMC are organised. It is located right next to the Day Care, above the Emergency Room and Radiology Department - and right by the Doctor’s Lounge for some coffee.  It is on the first floor on the South Tower.

It made my daily routine more organised although both the ward and the lab were located in separate buildings. This has certainly cut down on the unnecessary wait by the lift. It made a lot of difference. Added to this would be my plan to cut down on Saturday clinics, allowing me to enjoy more of the weekends.

My new clinic area is considerably smaller than before and I also missed my Clinic Assistant, Sheila who has been looking after me since I started here in 2011. She decided to stay at the old clinic space instead. I am getting new assistant and a different flow of work in Clinic. In the past couple of days, I found it to be more straightforward than I thought. Hopefully, it would continue to be smooth.

The two minutes hop right next door to the Day Care to sort patients out is the best though ...

My room is still bare. It could do more shelves. I plan to bring along my stereo from home as well as investing on a new set of displays to connect to my laptop in clinic.

Another thing missing was a proper sphygmomanometer. The one supplied at the new clinic was for the table, and I like to examine my patients on the bed. I might need to buy myself a new one. The view from the room was also not as good as before, but at least I have a window. There was a fake garden outside. I might add my garden gnome there.

Hopefully, better things to come with the new place. I need to put one some decorations on the plain wall. Since there were boards, I can’t really hang anything heavy on them. I quite like the idea of putting up some of my photographs around the clinic. I certainly got plenty of them if I get around to get them on print.