The Wee Printer Photography, TechHaris Abdul RahmanJune 28, 2018Fujifilm, Instax SHare SP-3, printerComment
Painting Time Diary, FamilyHaris Abdul RahmanMarch 31, 2013Irfan, Mac, digital painting, homework, printerComment
Setting Up Diary, TechHaris Abdul RahmanMarch 26, 2013Canon, Canon ImageClass MF8080Cw, network laser printer, printerComment
Printer Ahoy DiaryHaris Abdul RahmanMarch 24, 2013Canon, Low Yat, apartment, home office, printerComment
Walkabout with my 400D DiaryHaris Abdul RahmanFebruary 1, 2010Low Yat, Pavilion, Photography, photowalk, printerComment