Quick Trip to Muar

Last night, before the football match ended, I received a phone call from my Dad. One of our relatives passed away within the last couple of hours and he asked if I could drive him and Mum to Muar to attend the funeral the next day. So, this morning after Subuh prayers, we set off southbound.

It took us about 3 hours to reach the place as I have never been there before. We were lucky that my trusty old iPhone with PaPaGo worked like a treat. We reached there before the prayers, and most of the local folks were already gathered at the house, preparing the body for burial.

After prayers, the rest of the relatives set off for the cemetery, located about 10 km away. We decided to stay at the house, greeting the rest of the relatives who were left behind.

The elderly relative who passed away was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Being in his 80s, he was just given symptomatic treatment, and was at home surrounded by his loves ones when he drew his last breath. One of my cousin who was working in Sibu did not manage to get home in time - she arrived just 10 minutes too late unfortunately.

It was customary to give tokens to those attending the funeral Prayers. Here, the family distributed sarongs.Alfatihah.

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